Electric Quad Bike

From  24.00 - 54.00 Unit Price

Unleash the thrill of off-road exploration with our Electric Quad Bike. Powered by an electric engine, it provides powerful performance on rugged terrains, ensuring thrilling adventures while being gentle on the environment. Ideal for eco-conscious adrenaline-seekers, this quad bike promises excitement without compromising on nature’s tranquility.

Day based pricing : ELECTRIC QUAD BIKE
1 - 1 days : 54.00 / Day
2 - 2 days : 46.00 / Day
3 - 4 days : 40.00 / Day
5 - 6 days : 29.00 / Day
7 - 8 days : 29.00 / Day
9 - 90 days : 24.00 / Day
Pickup Date & Time
Dropoff Date & Time



Max Speed :

Max Range :

Motor :
• 15kW max. Permanent Magnet DC Motor
• 4 Quadrant with micro-processor control
• Bespoke Li-Ion Batteries, 72V 27Ah each
• Regenerative Braking

• Automatic drive with high and low shift equipped with switchable forward and reverse

• Hydraulic Front R/L Disc brake
• Read: Disc Brake

• Front and Read : Dual A-arm with 5 way perload adjustive shocks

Domestic Plug
Powerful off-road capability.
Suitable for rugged terrains



  1. Thrilling off-road Adventure
  2. Eco-Friendly OptioN
  3. Minimal Noise Pollution
Electric Quad Bike for Rent

While previous experience riding an electric quad bike is not mandatory, being comfortable with driving and handling any vehicle is recommended. Ask our staff for assistance. 

Yes, electric quad bikes are designed for off-road adventures. However, keep in mind that Malta has specific off-road laws and regulations, and you must adhere to them. Check with the rental company for recommended off-road trails and any restrictions.

The range of electric quad bikes may vary depending on the specific model. On average, you can expect a range of 40-70 kilometers per charge. Make sure to plan your route accordingly and ask our staff about charging options if needed.

You can take the electric quad bike to Gozo via the Gozo Channel ferry. However, confirm with your our staff regarding any specific terms associated with taking the quad bike off the main island of Malta. Using quad bikes on Comino is restricted to stay in line with environmental protection measures.


Explore Malta effortlessly with Sc scooter rentals. Discover the freedom of navigating the island at your pace. Our reliable scooters, easy rental process, and excellent service ensure a memorable journey. Book your scooter rental in Malta today!

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by @nataliedju, 2023